Physical AssessmentPrior to acquiring a property, taking a mortgage or leasing space within another owner’s property, clients retain Costigan Group to evaluate and assess the property to determine the conditions of the architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, elevator, site safety and other systems. This service provides a comprehensive view of the physical challenges of the property and allows the client to establish budgets for maintenance and implementation of capital programs. Assignments include:
Consulting Services
Construction Monitoring
Construction monitoring services are geared towards lenders and equity investors and include a review of plans and specifications, verification of the budget and a review of schedules, permits and other relevant documents. Site visits are performed regularly to ensure that work-in-place conforms to the approved plans and to verify the amount completed for the draw request.
Real Estate Transaction Support
In addition to physical assessments and construction monitoring, Costigan Group has the expertise to provide development pro-forma cost projections and detailed development schedules. Our staff is also able to assist with various forms of project financing. We can aid in negotiations with buyers, sellers, and tenants as well as design and construction professionals.
Construction Dispute Resolution
Costigan Group will analyze design drawings, examine field conditions and study contracts and other relevant documents to determine the validity of contractor claims for significant cost increases. Our role is to negotiate an equitable settlement on the client’s behalf in order to avoid litigation and minimize loss.
Arbitration & Litigation Support
The extensive industry expertise of Costigan’s staff makes us well qualified to serve as expert witnesses in any arbitration or litigation either in defense or for claims against other parties.